
Whirlwind…Welcome Back…


I just spent two weeks in Orlando for the 2012 Circuit Riders training. What’s a Circuit Rider? Well it was these guys long time ago from the Methodist movement who rode horses all their lives; town to town burning in their hearts to share the simple truth-gospel-good news about Jesus to anyone who’d listen. Well last year an angel showed up and said “its time for the Circuit Riders to return and trumpet one message; “Jesus is coming back!” 6 Cities, hundreds gathering from all over hungry for Revival: Reviving that which is dead or once alive. Save the Lost. Revive the Saved. Train Them All. That’s the motto.

Those 2 weeks were a whirlwind for me! So much was being provoked within me, much was being pulled out of me and much was made more clearly defined within me as well. For just two weeks, let me tell you; I felt like I went away for 3 months! Returning back home has been interesting. Most of us returned sick as dogs. The schedule was intense so I just believe our immune systems were weak at this point. A week being back has gone by with a blink of an eye. I remember aching for this little red room, missing spending long hours with Jesus in the prayer room. Now being back, getting back into the flow of things has felt so difficult.

All in all, I know that the Sounding of the Alarm to the Body of Christ to return to their first love-know this God and King who is your Bridegroom burning with love for you is vital in this hour!

Provoking the Body of Christ-the Bride of Christ to sit at His feet in a culture of prayer is key to her
survival! Revival hinges on there being a revived, awakened more mature Bride, believers who will lay a foundation and be available for a harvest of lost ones being found in Christ to come. With revelation now of the ache of an evangelist (which I am not-and I realized, that’s okay! We can’t do it all) I partner in prayer and song with them and call forth LIFE!

During these 2 weeks, I felt the Lord was calling me deeper. Now I have felt this for some time but perhaps parts of me didn’t want to give up even legitimate pleasures of this world as a sacrifice and big gesture to the One I claim to love. In the midst of everything I realized that I want to know Him. Things as they are can not be enough. They aren’t enough. And nothing I run to here to numbingly help me escape satisfies. “To the measure I talk to the Spirit is to the measure I will walk in the Spirit!” Why? Because I have to? No! I get to! I get to KNOW God! Seriously, think about that statement. What other “god”  is motivated by true selfless love who says, “You can intimately KNOW Me?” How humble! What’s 70 years on this earth compared to Forever?

He desires HOLINESS! 

Being Back…

It’s been weird but today was a nice reminder. Spending time with my crazy Worship team makes allows me to remember the great people I get to run this race with and how blessed I am to have each and every one of them in my life!

Its going to be a very interesting season ahead. Will be teaching more consistently and pushing myself in areas of music and worship. Embarking on a scary, expectant journey the Lord’s mapped out for me for the next few months and I’m still processing how I feel about all that.

Well…here’s a random quick update. More to come and more frequently!

He is so patient and kind…Time is your friend…not your enemy. Grace and Blessings to you and yours!


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April Update

Check out the rest of the update on my NEWSLETTER page

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A.W. Tozer’s prayer and plea

Attributes of God-Volume II by A.W. Tozer


Introduction: God’s Character

…So I only have this one hope: As the poor little donkey rebuked the madness of the prophet and as the rooster crowed one night to arouse the apostle and bring him to repentance, so God may take me and use me. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of the little donkey, so I pray that He may be willing to ride out before the people on such an unworthy instrument as I.


It is utterly necessary that we know this God, this One that John wrote about, this One that the poet speaks about, this One that theology talks about, and this One that we’re sent to preach and teach about. It is absolutely, utterly and critically necessary that we know this One, for you see, man fell when he lost his right concept of God.


As long as man trusted God everything was all right; human beings were healthy and holy (or at least innocent), and pure and good. But then the devil came along and threw a question mark into the mind of the woman: “And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said…?” (Genesis 3:1). This was equivalent to sneaking around behind God’s back and casting doubt on the goodness of God. And then began the progressive degeneration downward.


When the knowledge of God began to go out of the minds of men, we got into the fix that we’re in now:


Romans 1:21-28


The first chapter of Romans ends with a terrible charge of unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness and all the long, black list of crimes and sins that man has been guilty of. All that came about because man lost his confidence in God. He didnt know God’s character. He didnt know what kind of God God was. He got all mixed up about what God was like. Now the only way back is to have restored confidence in God. And the only way to have restored confidence in God is to have restored knowledge of God.


I began with the text, “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee” (Psalm 9:10) The word “name” means character, plus reputation. “And they that know what kind of God thou art will put their trust in thee.” We wonder why we dont have faith; the answer is, faith is confidence in the character of God and if we dont know what kind God God is, we cant have faith.




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Everything About Jesus is Glorious…

Much much much has happened just in the last two months. My thought process of it has as well been very slow. Recently there has been such an amazing increase that the Lord has sent almost like a kiss from heaven. The journey of this increase has become glorious, overwhelming, has meant some sleepless nights, much laughter, the joy of new acquaintances and so much more.

In all this, I have come to see how the Lord has been preparing us many months ago for what was to come. Months back when the state of being hidden was easy due to no one else being in the room and how I ached and desired for that not to be so. Not for myself but for the simple fact that I had come to know this Man in a whole new way that revealed an endless river to be enjoyed and I was falling for this Man more and more and wanted others to encounter Him. How I desired to scream out at times,

“Daughters of Jerusalem, have you known my Beloved! He is fairer than the sons of man, chief among ten thousand, there is NONE like Him or ever will be! Among all the trees in the woods, my Beloved is like an apple tree in the midst of them. Come and see! Come and meet Him! Come away with Him and set Him as a seal upon your arm, upon your heart! For His love is stronger than death!”

"As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight , and his fruit was sweet to my taste." Song of Solomon 2:3

Now here we are and that season of being hidden seems to be fading; growing dim and with much joy, it fills my heart but I feel the ache to “Come Away”…

How easy it is to get draw away from Him out of a genuine heart who desires others to know and encounter Him. How easy it is even when in a good place, a right place in our hearts we work work work…work work work to organize, and situate, and gather, and produce and guide and…

So much…so easy for ones mind to become so cluttered that the soft faint lovesick whisper of the One who desires us to be with Him where He is beckons us to look back at Him.

There is so much to who this Man is. Knowing Him, searching out His thoughts and heart and interests, emotions is the journey. The adventure. The quest. The treasure hunt. More precious than rubies or precious stones, is being captivated, fascinated by Jesus Christ. I need to know Jesus. I want to know Him. How nothing else compares to gazing…set gaze everyday, the journey…to set my gaze; my full attention and affections, everything I am, everything I have and yet…

Its so easy to set Him aside, it’s so easy to think we’re putting first in first place, today. Tomorrow will worry about itself (Matthew 6:34) Am I putting first in first place today? Its a good question that like a marriage, we get into that familiar stage where I can feel as though, “Yea! I was with him yesterday and the day before that and I’ll be with him tomorrow and we’ll talk about that or do that together tomorrow.”

And so many times tomorrow’s come and go and next thing we know, a week has gone by and we’ve barely ran by one another; a glance, a half smile. I remember to say hello mid-day and run with the excuse that I’m prepping something nice for Him but the time spent is limited. Its easier this way honestly. The running, the doing. It’s far easier than, stopping… dropping everything (this is where faith must come in that He will get it done, not us in our own strength) …sit at the dinner table face to face. Take a deep breath…and start the conversation.

Start the conversation…the simple…”So, how was your day? …How are you today?…what have You been thinking about today…”

Then the silence….in the waiting…for Him to actually get a word in and speak…He’s been waiting all day for this, maybe even longer.

Everything about Jesus is glorious.

 Why wouldn’t I want to spend my every second of everyday waiting to hear what HE has to say. The Man of Glory wants to have a conversation. The Majesty of Heaven, the Father of Glory wants to have a conversation with us.

Nothing else matters. All else is added unto us…

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33-34

Nothing else matters…I want to know this Man, this God. I need to know Him.

Do you?

Will you?


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What is an Intercessory Missionary?

“So what do you do for a living? You go to school? Work?”

“yea, I’m a prayer missionary at a House of Prayer?”

“huh? But you live in Florida?”

“yes, I’m a missionary for this nation and state. I pray…that’s my job…”

::confused look during awkward silence:: cue in the crickets…

I find myself this morning sitting in the prayer room, so thankful to my Beautiful, Kind, Merciful, Soveriegn God for creating is for encounter with Him. I love my job and though many do not understand it, I stand in awe of how such a seemingly simple life brings such fulfillment. So much in this world tries to out glam God. So much we’re surrounded by tries to steal our attention, affections, fascination. Sitting in a sometimes empty room, something half full room, listening to heart moved love songs to Him, inquiring of His word, and then it happens… feel the whisper of His love that overcomes me and nothing else matters but to stay in that moment with Him forever…

I stumbled on a blog entry that I appreciated much; describing what is an “Intercessory Missionary”? Thats a very common question I get from people.

The gentlemans name is Joshua Hawkins. Check out this blog entry.


Here are some quotes from the blog to catch your curiosity perhaps:

An intercessory missionary is a “missionary“ in the sense that they dedicate their lives in ministry for Jesus and for others like a traditional missionary does. But rather than exclusively serving through mercy deeds, their service is first and primarily through ministry to Jesus in night and day worship and prayer. The motivation and biblical support for an intercessory missionary comes from various passages, including:

  • The story of Mary of Bethany inMatthew 26:6-13, who saw the true worth of Jesus, and where Jesus linked her example of extravagant devotion to the preaching of the gospel
  • The preeminence of Christ in all things fromColossians 1:18, where the ultimate goal of the Father is that Jesus might be seen as supreme in all things
  • The words of Jesus inLuke 18:1-8, where Jesus exhorts the righteous to cry out in prayer day and night for faith in an ultimate and lasting justice to be established at the second coming of Jesus
  • The exhortation of Jesus inMatthew 9:37-38, saying “pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers” for witnesses to be raised up proclaiming the Day of the LORD, the restoration of all things, and the coming kingdom of God
  • Inspiration from Anna inLuke 2:36-38, where she fasted and prayed in the temple day and night for decades unto the first coming of Christ
  • The ministry of John the Baptist as a messenger of repentance and bold proclaimer of the Day of the Lord

The practical outworking of a traditional missionary flows from the place of night and day ministry unto the Lord. These are the “good works that we were created for” (Ephesians 2:10), including hands-on service to others, feeding the poor, and aiding the widow and orphan – works that show forth the compassion of Jesus and help others put their hope completely in His return.

“Not only has God made the accomplishment of his global purposes of salvation hang on the preaching of the Word; he has also made the success of the preaching of the Word hang on prayer. God’s goal to be glorified in a world full of white-hot worshippers from every people and tongue and tribe and nation will not succeed without the powerful proclamation of the gospel by people like you and me. And that gospel will not be proclaimed in power to all the nations without the persevering, earnest, global, faith-filled prayers of God’s people. This is the awesome place of prayer in the purposes of God for the world. They won’t happen without prayer.” – Prayer: The work of missions – John Piper, 1988

So the question is: How can we endure? How can we be found with faith and love? How can we avoid being like Lot’s wife and like those who are left in judgment? So Jesus tells a parable to give the answer. And it is one of the few parables which he interprets for us lest we miss the point. Luke 18:1tells us the point of the parable: “And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Jesus’ answer to the question how to endure to the end is, Pray! Pray! Pray! And don’t grow weary of praying.” – Always Pray and Do Not Lose Heart – John Piper

The ultimate reason for night and day prayer – the worth of Jesus

Right now, the prayer ministry across the earth is weak, but the Lord is strengthening it in ways we have never seen before in history. I firmly believe that the expression of prayer in the church across the world will move from the one-hour prayer meeting on a Wednesday night in the pastor’s basement to the forefront of the hearts and minds of everyone in the body of Christ.

Even though we would all agree that the prayer ministry is very important and necessary, prayer is for much more than “getting from God what we need”, because He knows our needs before we even ask Him. Prayer does not force God’s hand to do anything, nor is prayer a “formula” to obtain God’s power for self-exaltation and pride. Prayer is about a humble interaction, dialog, and relationship. When God answers prayer and gives us foretastes of the age to come when He will reign in righteousness, His glory is magnified and it exhilarates us. Being connected at the heart level with God and seeing His answers to our prayers causes us to devote ourselves to Him in a greater way and proclaim His word and His return with boldness. Intimacy and relationship with God is the primary reason that the church will always be engaged in prayer, because relationship with His people is what He has longed for from the beginning.

Definitely check out the rest of his blog. Well written. Couldnt say better myself, hence I didn’t try and left it to him. ::wink::


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To Be Blind

It was interesting…I came into the prayer room after having lunch and being in the office doing some Administrative work. I decided to pace for a bit and clear my head from everything. I usually pace a bit here and there and have my eyes fully closed, but frequently half open so I may see where I’m going; you know, make sure not to bump into that wall, chair, human being…that sort of thing.

I started pacing behind a row of chairs. No ones sitting in them. I graze my hand back and forth the top of the chairs that sit side by side like militant soldiers.

The worship is playing, the atmosphere is becoming more infused for me because I’m letting go every worry, every stress, every thought that isnt just about my God and His faithful beauty and love. I even laugh at a thought I have in silliness cause I know He delights in me and enjoys me.

pace….pace…pace…the palm of my hand cupping gently the tops of the chairs as I use them as my guide with my eyes have opened, half closed, then fully closed.

I begin to think of the blind. I close my eyes tightly and just use my hands to guide my pacing. My right hand cupping the tops of the chairs as they lead me forward, then I can feel the end of the last chair in the row. I grabbed it less gently now as I feel my body wanting to continue by pulling forward but I turn myself around. Now continues my left hand cupping and grazing the chair tops, leading me back and forth, back and forth.

My eyes are tightly closed and I feel the insecurities. I can feel the anticipation of when the end of the row will be. Trying to just pray in the Spirit, I continue but start feeling the doubt in my simple surrounding. I question my walking, my stepping forward, I question whether I will react quick enough to knowing when the end of the row has come. I stretch my arm out a little further, wanting to make sure my hand gets to the end before my body does.

I think of how difficult must it be to be blind. How about to have seen and then at an older age past your 20’s, 30’s loosing your sight. You’re not as trainable as a child. We’re stuck in our ways and systems and now all of that is gone. I began to pray for those who are physically blind…over and over I said to the Lord, “Give sight Lord to the physically blind…give sight to the physically blind…”

Then I felt the Holy Spirit just challenge me with a whispered question, “What if it benefits some of them to be blind. They aren’t tempted with their eye gate as much as one who has sight possibly…they perhaps trust and have greater perspective?”

I felt to stop asking and think about instead, spiritual blindness. “Is this like spiritual blindness Holy Spirit?”

I continued, back and forth, back and forth, eyes tightly shut. Thinking I had a rhythm going and then I miss the last chair in the row and almost topple over but gain back my composure and continue back and forth.

The shadows and light just a hazy sense of it blanketing my shut eye lids…different shades, intensities, brightness, darkness.

Now my back and forth is all I know. But I know the space I’m in, I know this room. I know that at the end of the row to my right there’s a wall going into the kitchen and at the other end is the sound booth. I know my space but would I be confident if I let go of this now familiar row and explore…Explore what I technically have access to due to a year of being in this one room?

I could feel the chairs. I could feel the end of the row. THAT I knew. THAT I was confident in…kind of…If I would let go, there would be nothing else I would be confident in, even though I have been in this room for a year now and could map it out in my head with my eyes closed.

To be blind…

It was an interesting thought as I paced back and forth with my eyes tightly closed this time.

Spiritual Blindness…how it hinders us from living. The doubts, the insecurities, the false perception of things, the lack of knowing our circumstance, surroundings. How we cant even see the joy of Someone smiling back at us. All is assumption…

that’s Food for thought…

Enlighten the eyes of our understanding Holy Spirit, shine the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ over our minds and spirits today! Amen, so be it!

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Project Inspired-Inspiration & Life advice for Christian girls



I stumbled across something very interesting today. A friend on Facebook posted about this model who was labeled in recent articles as the:

Christian Model Says ‘Cosmo’ Has the Devil Written All Over It

article: http://charismanews.com/culture/32628-christian-model-says-cosmo-has-the-devil-written-all-over-it

At first I overlooked the Facebook post. Later this evening it caught my attention again so I decided to check it out. To my surprise it’s a movement this young woman is launching for young women, girls and teens everywhere.

The last time I got this excited about a writer was when a friend introduced me to “Leslie Ludy’s” books! Which I HIGHLY recommend if you’re a young woman or even if you are not. She has some amazing download of wisdom in reference to relational dynamics between men and women and where some of our “special” behavior comes from.


http://www.setapartgirl.com/home.html (site where you could find Leslie Ludy’s books. First read “Authentic Beauty” then move unto “Set-Apart Femininity” and then “Answering the Guy Question”…

“Project Inspired” was released by a model/actress who one day realized that all the money and fame in the world, would never amount to happiness. How did she know? She watched many celebrity “friends” in her circle live it and live it miserably, lost, and empty. One of them even died as a consequence of their reckless “living-it-up” lifestyle.

From her site:

“I always wanted to be famous.

I had been modeling and acting since I was 5 years old.  I had been with the same agency in Portland, Oregon for about 8 years, and had appeared in numerous publications, ads, magazines, television commercials.  I had my own checking account by the age of 12, and saw billboards with my face on them as I was being driven to junior high  dances.    But I was a  ”big fish in a small pond”.   I was ready for the big time, and wanted to make it in Hollywood.”

“I moved to Hollywood at the age of 16 and plunged headfirst into the task of becoming an “it” girl. Although I was still in high school, I partied with well-known actors, had an all-access pass to the hottest clubs, and mingled with the see-and-be-seen celebrities. But because I was young and naïve, I neglected the most basic things that actually would help me achieve my goal of fame: getting a headshot and a resume, taking advanced  acting classes, making sure I got enough sleep at night.”

“At 23, I fell into a deep depression. I felt helpless and foolish that had I allowed myself to get into this position. With no college degree and no alternate plan for my life, I knew I had made a huge mistake. I didn’t know where to go.

I turned to every self-help book available: The Law of Attraction, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, all the Anthony Robbins books – but nothing helped me.

Then everything changed.

Every single night I would look up into the stars and pray for a miracle. I completely gave my life to God. I asked for guidance to lift me out of the horrible situation I was in.  I saw what “making it” did to others in this industry and knew I didn’t want that for my life.  It was at that point that I realized my great truth:

Everything I went through – all I experienced in that dark city – was for a bigger purpose.

<end quote>

Her visually accessible and appealing site is full of forums, and articles she writes herself about fashion, celebrities, and God. She engages with her readers and passionately pursues spreading a message of truth and real beauty only found in Christ. This world has a warped perception of beauty and are training up the past and future generations to think this way. I admire this young woman who the Lord has given a taste of the truth behind the veil of this world; Hollywood and filled her up with wisdom and revelation unto a greater truth and purpose for life. Now she is a voice for the younger female generation who are captivated and fascinated not with Jesus but with glitz and glam and fame of it all; and are modeling their every decision on what this world of Hollywood emulates off of one another. The Lord has directed her to lead an honest and open relationship with her readers by answering the hard questions that churches today are not really asking for themselves, less answering for young teens and young adults who are struggling daily with temptations the world and media claim are normal.

Check out her site, Facebook and twitter pages.

There is a petition on CHANGE.ORG right now that is trying to put a stop to the easy access pornographic magazines that are sold to any age in stores everywhere. Cosmopolitan Magazine features minors, targets minors with celebrity minors while promoting detail, outrageously inappropriate sex-driven pornographic context that I dont believe anyone of any age should be reading but even more so our younger female and male generations.

SIGN THE PETITION! They need 50,000 signatures!

Cosmopolitan Is Aggressively Marketing Explicit Porn Tips to Minors, Put Cosmo In a Non-Transparent Wrapper and Sold to Adults Only!


Support a movement!

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In the Name of Jesus…VOLUME II

Continuing my quest to gain language for something I believe in, I found another couple of blog others have posted online that have already written for the most part the blog for me. Giving credit where credit is due.

My last post was bought about from a question a fellow believer asked some of us that was worth searching out. In my heart and spirit I knew there was premise for it but I am not a great teacher, preacher who can memorize the entire bible and holds their own in great debates.

Still gaining in language and understanding, I do know when I get those impressions from my faithful friend Holy Spirit whose molding and teaching me to be like my great love Jesus Christ day by day till I awaken to His likeness. (Psalm 17:15)





Here’s what someone posted about praying in the name of Jesus…

<start quote>

“What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?”

Answer: Prayer in Jesus’ name is taught in John 14:13-14, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Some misapply this verse, thinking that saying “in Jesus’ name” at the end of a prayer results in God’s always granting what is asked for. This is essentially treating the words “in Jesus’ name” as a magic formula. This is absolutely unbiblical.

Praying in Jesus’ name means praying with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son, Jesus. Praying in Jesus’ name means the same thing as praying according to the will of God, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5:14-15). Praying in Jesus’ name is praying for things that will honor and glorify Jesus.

Saying “in Jesus’ name” at the end of a prayer is not a magic formula. If what we ask for or say in prayer is not for God’s glory and according to His will, saying “in Jesus’ name” is meaningless. Genuinely praying in Jesus’ name and for His glory is what is important, not attaching certain words to the end of a prayer. It is not the words in the prayer that matter, but the purpose behind the prayer. Praying for things that are in agreement with God’s will is the essence of praying in Jesus’ name.”

<end quote> http://www.gotquestions.org/pray-Jesus-name.html

Also the “Amen” part. I wanted to research this out. I knew it was a prophetic release declaring “So be it!” Here’s a small post I found by the same sight on using “Amen” in prayer:

<start quote>

The Hebrew word translated “amen” literally means “truly” or “so be it.” “Amen” is also found in the Greek New Testament and has the same meaning. Nearly half of the Old Testament uses of amen are found in the book of Deuteronomy. In each case, the people are responding to curses pronounced by God on various sins. Each pronouncement is followed by the words “and all the people shall say Amen” (Deuteronomy 27:15-26). This indicates that the people applauded the righteous sentence handed down by their holy God, responding, “So let it be.” The amen attested to the conviction of the hearers that the sentences which they heard were true, just, and certain.

Seven of the Old Testament references link amen with praise. The sentence “and all the people said, Amen, and praised Jehovah” found in 1 Chronicles 16:36, typifies the connection between amen and praise. In Nehemiah 5:13 and 8:6, the people of Israel affirmed Ezra’s exalting of God by worshipping Him and obeying Him. The highest expression of praise to God is obedience, and when we say “amen” to His commands and pronouncements, our praise is sweet music to His ears.

The New Testament writers all use “amen” at the end of their epistles. The apostle John uses it at the end of his gospel, his three letters, and the book of Revelation, where it appears nine times. Each time it is connected with praising and glorifying God and referring to the second coming and the end of the age. Paul says “amen” to the blessings he pronounces on all the churches in his letters to them, as do Peter, John and Jude in their letters. The implication is that they are saying, “May it be that the Lord will truly grant these blessings upon you.”

When Christians say “amen” at the end of our prayers, we are following the model of the apostles, asking God to “please let it be as we have prayed.” Remembering the connection between amen and the praise of obedience, all prayers should be prayed according to the will of God. Then when we say “amen,” we can be confident that God will respond “so be it” and grant our requests (John 14:13; 1 John 5:14).” <end quote>


“It is the glory of God to hide a matter, and the glory of a king to search it out” Proverbs 25:2

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

“but as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him”!

Aren’t you curious! The Genesis 1 Uncreated God of all creations has things prepared for us who love Him and He’s telling us we can’t even fathom it! It would blow our minds and yet, He sent His promise, Holy Spirit to not dwell just WITH us anymore but dwell IN us!

verse  10 “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches ALL things, yes, the deep things of God.”

Just so He can reveal them to us. Search out the word! Dont just memorize theology but in prayer and intimacy talk to Him, ask Him for understanding.

Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law (now through the unveiling on the cross-the entirety of the Word which is truth) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day & night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Jesus came for many reasons but I will highlight that He came to deal away with religion and get to the heart. He came to “offend minds to reveal hearts” and demonstrate that everything is considered in regards to the intentions and attitude of one’s heart. (He spoke about this even way before His first coming-just read David’s psalms and quotes) “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:7)

In the end, there is so much about this Man we need to know. This morning, I heard a man, his name is Daniel Lim speak on Revelati0n 1:8 Jesus is speaking to John in the island of Patmos saying “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

<you can check out the teaching from the webstream archives here http://www.ihop.org/weekendservices/archives/  -Should be available if not tonight, then possibly tomorrow.>

Christology should be daily our Bible Study. We do not know this Man Jesus! The greatest theologian I can almost confidently say, does not know Jesus! He is the least spoken about subject in the body of Christ…what is that!? We know a little about the Jesus who was, we like the Jesus who is cause it’s kinda always about us isnt it? And we know NOTHING about the Jesus who is to come.

Why? Because Eschatology, End Times teaching is a taboo in the Church of America (I cant speak for other nations). The world is fascinated with Eschatology-

Definition of ESCHATOLOGY

1: a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind

2: a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind;
But are not searching out Christ centered truths about it. Movies make end of the world scenarios all the time. Now with this year, 2012 here we have the Mayan Calendar debacle. We have seen for years tons of writings and TV series on Nostradamus. The world is fascinated and as followers of Jesus Christ we have nothing to offer and bring to the table in regards to the Truth of the End Times. Jesus while on earth spoke most about the generation before His second coming and taught the signs of the times and what the great destruction would be like.
Read Matthew 24-25, read Luke 17:1-18:8 -Just a start…then of course we have the book of the prophets who spoke on it i.e. Daniel chapters 9, 10, 11 and we have the great big “bad” book no one wants to talk about…Revelation.
Interesting enough, Jesus is the least spoken about subject in the American church and the taboo book in the body of Christ is the “Revelation of JESUS CHRIST” book…
We need to read our own Bibles! Friendly and healthy conversations with one another will challenge us to know what we do and do not believe in…Dont shrink back and just accept defeat…Search it out! Search the living God out who made Himself accessible to us through the blood of His Son, Christ Jesus who lives to make intercession for us right now! (Hebrews 7:25) He is for us! He’s on your side! Search Him out!
May He release grace to us all to go deeper as His deep calls our deep and may He increase His Spirit over us, through us, in us to gain understanding. In all our getting, get understanding! (Proverbs 3:7) In Jesus name, Father release the knowledge and  glory of who You are. Reveal to us, “Christ in us, hope of glory!” So be it according to Your will! Amen



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In the Name of Jesus…VOLUME I

Someone recently challenged some of us with this thinking. “Why do you end your prayers with  “In the name of Jesus, Amen”? In my heart I knew there was premise for it but didnt have the language yet to speak life unto what I felt a conviction in my spirit for. So here we are…”It’s the glory of kings to search it (a matter-God) out” -Proverbs 25:2


There is power in the name of Christ Jesus. The Apostles as examples prayed in the name of Jesus.

Acts 16:18 “She was doing this for many days. But Paul, becoming greatly annoyed turned and said to the spirit, “I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” it came out that very hour.”

Acts 3:6 But Peter said “Silver and gold have I none, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!”

Acts 4:30 “While you stretch our your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.

Its the attitude of the heart and depth of our souls that have searched out this Man and gained understanding of the unsearchable riches that dwell within this name that is like ointment poured forth (Songs of Solomon 1:3)

I’m separating this into volumes; if you will, due to the fact that I was gathering information to write about it myself but found someone who pretty much wrote it for me. Why fix something that’s not broken. So as the first “Volume” here is what a man named David Reagan wrote on the matter…

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Praying in the Name of Jesus

Content Author: 
Reagan, David

Do you close your prayers with something like, “in Jesus’ name, Amen?” You may word it a little differently. But many of you will use some formula to indicate that your prayer is in the name of Jesus. Where do we get this? Is it biblical? What does it mean to pray in Jesus name?

First, let us establish that it is scriptural to pray in the name of Jesus. Consider the following verses:

  • John 14:13
    – And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
  • John 14:14
    – If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
  • John 15:16
    – Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
  • John 16:23
    – And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
  • John 16:24
    – Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
  • John 16:26
    – At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you.

You will notice that in all of them Jesus tells His disciples to pray to the Father in His (Jesus’) name. But is this just a formula or is there something more to it? In order to get to the bottom of praying in the name of Jesus, we need to consider three things: (1) the biblical concept of name, (2) the importance of God’s name, and (3) what it means to act in someone else’s name. Then, we will be ready to look at praying in Jesus’ name.

The Biblical Concept of Name

We must first realize that the concept of name in scripture involves much more than a tag that identifies that person and distinguishes him or her from other people. Although it does do that, it also has a much deeper meaning. Name in scripture represents the very essence of the person. A person’s personality, character, reputation and authority are all wrapped up in his name.

  • Proverbs 22:1
    – A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
  • Ecclesiastes 7:1
    – A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

Notice the extraordinary value of a good name. Besides a man’s soul, this is the most important possession a man has. We should cherish a good name because it refers to virtue and integrity. It must be nurtured and respected as a most precious possession.

The Importance of God’s Name

That also explains why God’s name is so often exalted in scripture. God’s name is a declaration of the greatness of His person. Consider these verses:

  • Psalm 8:1
    – O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
  • Psalm 103:1
    – Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
  • Psalm 113:1-3
    – Praise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised.
  • Psalm 148:13
    – Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

Because God’s name is excellent, we are to exalt it in our prayer and in our praise. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9). One day every knee shall bow at the feet of Jesus (Romans 14:11). Why? “God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9). His exalted name brings worship and praise.

We now understand the importance of a name in scripture. We also know that God’s name is exalted above all other names. Now, what does it mean to do something in the name of someone else?

Acting in the Name of Another

Doing something in someone else’s name has two implications. First, you come by the authority of the other person. You are not coming in your own authority but because someone else authorized you to take these actions. When David fought Goliath, he came unto him “in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” (1 Samuel 17:45). He was not coming in his own power or authority but in that which belonged to God alone. This gave David the authority and ability to fight against the giant Goliath…and win.

Second, when you come in someone’s name, you come in his stead. The person to whom you come is expected to react to you, not on the basis of who you are, but as if the person who sent you was there himself. They are to treat you as they would treat the one who authorized you to come. When David sent servants to Nabal to ask for food, “they spake to Nabal according to all those words in the name of David” (1 Samuel 25:9). Therefore, when Nabal insulted David’s servants (who came in David’s name), he insulted David just as directly as if he had spoken to him to his face.

APPLICATION: Praying in the Name of Jesus

Now, let’s apply this to praying in the name of Jesus. What is the significance of this? First, it means that when we come to the Father, we come because Jesus sent us. It is not simply our own idea to speak to the God of heaven and earth. We are sent to Him by His own Son. No wonder we walk into the throne of grace in boldness (Hebrews 4:16). If one of the angels were to ask us on the way in, “What are you doing here?”…We can reply, “The Son sent me.” What a glorious commission! We are sent by the Son to seek help from the Father!

Second, the Father is obligated to treat us as He would His own Son because we come in His stead. We represent the Son when we come to the Father. You don’t believe this? You say that this is just too much? Then listen to these verses.

  • Ephesians 1:5-6
    – Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
  • Romans 8:17
    – And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

We are adopted into the family of God as children. We are accepted in the beloved. Since Christ is the beloved Son, that means that the Father accepts us as He would His own Son. Finally, we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ…

You see the benefit of coming to the Father in the Son’s name. However, is this just referring to adding a phrase to the end of our prayers? No. It is much more than that. It means that you come to the Father with the knowledge that your only right in approaching Him is that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that He Himself has sent you to the Father. It means that you know that you are totally unworthy of receiving anything from God and that the only reason God should grant your requests is that you come in Jesus’ name. It is not a magic formula, but a heart attitude.

Often, in my times of serious prayer about a particular need, I will spell this out. I acknowledge that I am unworthy to receive anything from God. I affirm that I come only in the name of God’s Son Jesus Christ. I remind God of what He said in Romans 8:32 [“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”]. I remind Him that He did not withhold His own Son from me and that He promised not to withhold any good thing from me. I declare that I only ask for these things in the name of His Son.

In all my prayers, I try to say, “in Jesus’ name.” However, I know that the phrase means nothing without the heart attitude. I am nothing. Therefore, who I am makes no difference. But, when I come in the name of Jesus–that is authority and that is power! <end quote>





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